~~ click on the image for giant WALLPAPER view ~~
They... WHO? You ask.
GIANT ROBOTS! Yep, in July I will have finally a
Giant Robot Week :)
I had planning to do one for such a long time, so I am very happy to finally do it this month :)
It's not gonna be next week (gotta some work to do) but def it will happen in July.
I am also taking 1 suggestion (already have a few robots lined up) so feel free to throw in your favorite robot suggestion by replying to this post: you guys have a week from now. The winner (the one I will decide to include in the gallery) will receive a signed archival print of the chosen robot.
Rule #1: if you see already entered the robot you liked, then pick another one that has not been entered yet. There can be only one winner so if there are multiple entries of the same robot, I will only consider the first one who entered it.
Rule #2: this is GIANT ROBOTS week, so try to suggest giant robots (mostly from Japanese anime) instead of small robots (like C3PO, for example).
Rule #3: please enter only 1 suggestion/name. For multiple names in the same post, I will only consider the first one.
Rule #4: check the above chart to make sure your entry has not been named yet. Also:
small robots will be in red and mostly likely not considered for the grand prize.
PRIZES! Since there are so many great suggestions, I am thinking to add a couple of extra prizes for runner-ups, randomly picked among all entries: the prize is a large archival print of the group shot of all entries (like the one above, insilhuetts, but compelted with allt he robots suggested during the week) :)
Same print will go to the winner as well, in addition to the single robot one.
Of course, please spread the news: the more the better :)
Alright, everyone is ready? GO! :)
Artwork © 2010 Francesco Francavilla.