Saturday, February 13, 2010

Batman Vs The Duck Squadron!

Batman Vs The Duck Squadron
(click on it for CLOSUPARAMA view ;))

Alright, we KNOW you WANT to read this story, right? ;)
Paul Tobin and I are collecting signatures for make this happen: I have been told that 50,000 signatures would be enough to convince DC Comics to give us the green light. ;)
So, sign in and leave your name here below this post and tell to your friends and family. Only 50,000, c'mon, we can make this dream tale happen :D ;)

EDIT!!! Wow, I wasn't expecting this kinda of response! :) Thank you, everyone, I almost feel I have to draw the first page if we get to 100 signatures already... ;)


Artwork © 2010 Francesco Francavilla.


SIMON said...

DC would be "quackers" not to make this! You have my signiture sir!

Brian Meredith said...

I have a bad feeling that Jason Fudd might go bad... he's already packin' heat! :)

Count me in!

-Brian Meredith

Unknown said...

With or without ducks, I think you and Paul would do a swell job in the Bat. Let's make it happen!!

taterpie said...

Let's have it!


Brian Knippenberg said...

And here I thought it was "Wabbit Season"! Bring it on!

-Brian Knippenberg-

Ray Radlein said...

This is made of win.

Chris Roberson said...

I fully endorse this plan.

Steve Downer said...

This is a thing that desperately needs to happen.

Make it so, DC!

Kyle Latino said...

I fully endorse this project.

Ricardo said...

It's a win!

Ron Salas said...

Let's get this done!

Drake said...

Im in!

Shawn Reynolds said...

Sign me UP!

Adam said...

The Dollar Bin is 100% behind this!

JRD said...

I would most certainly buy this, and the follow up, "A Deth in duh Famiwee!" Run with this, Didio!

JoeMI6 said...

I'm so in.

Joe Medforth

bpcho said...

Looks like fun. Love Francesco's work. Let's make it happen.

Brogan Z. said...

I'd buy it

Paul Webb said...

Dear DC,

Please make this happen. Not for me, but for my grandchildren, so that they can know that their grandpa was part of something awesome.

-Paul W.

Tommy Blank said...

Where do I sign? This sounds like something the world has been waiting for way too long.

Edward Alcantara said...

Signed up

Colin Smith said...

This must happen.

Anonymous said...

Make it so.

Herman Matthijssen said...

Ducks, the scourge of the public recreations dept.
You have my vote.
-Herman Matthijssen

Gavin Wilson said...

Do it.

aaron said...

and you have my signature

Joe P. said...

I would totally buy this...

Samuel said...



Ian said...

Yes. DC NEEDS to make this.

Elias Forslind said...

Well this needs to be made.

-Elias Forslind

kingauto said...

In favour.

- Thomas Lees

Ethan said...

Yes, please :)

David Webb said...

This. Must. Happen.

You have my signature!

Phil Mason said...

That Batman looks awesome. Make this happen please.

Tyler Gourley said...


Sign me up!

Anonymous said...

I demand a duel between batman and Ducks - you have my signature good sir!

Matt Steski said...


A. Wastella said...

We need this win of epic proportions!

Zachary Duarte said...

This needs to happen. DO IT, DC!

Anonymous said...

I'm Jake, and Batman needs to fight ducks. That is all.

Larry said...

Yes, yes, and MORE yes. I would buy ten copies.

Anonymous said...

This Must Happen!

Anthony D. Renli

tracy said...

Hell to the yeah! I sign with pride.

John said...

Count me in!

Madge said...

I want this so bad.

Luke said...

Do it do it do it!

PR7 Shinigami said...

Only 49,951 to go

Evil Tortie's Mom said...

Most people don't know how mean and evil waterfowl truly are.

The Dark Knight is truly our only hope against them.

We're 1/1000th of the way there!

dark_shadow said...

I'm here to sign for this

Trevion said...

Yes, please.

Maduin said...

Make it so, SIGNED!

cyriljackal said...

I want to see this.

-Cyril Corrigan

Unknown said...

I won't be vewwy quiet. My vote is in! huhuhuhuhuh!

Unknown said...

And you to can have my vote! Also, dumped the link to this on Facebook. This is rather epic. :D

- Logan

Angel said...

Sign me up!

Derek Tatum said...

Make it happen, DC!

- Derek

Unknown said...

Which country's military do I have to serve in to see this done. said...


Christian O. said...


-Christian Otholm

DavidL said...

I would buy ten copies.

JoJangles said...

I would be excited to know how many of these ducks this squadron has to have.

-C. McKinstry

TatteredSpinner said...

Pate de foie gras time ;D

Unknown said...

*sniff* it's beautiful

Anonymous said...

Absolutely amazing... I need more of this in all aspects of my life.

Mosesofmind said...

-Nathan Jamerson

Ben Gebhart said...

I can't imagine a more just reason for putting pencil to paper...SIGNED.

Buzzard said...

As a bird of a different feather, I am more than happy to support my duck brethren in their ventures against the hated Batman! (And pick at the corpses when they inevitably fail.) Count me in!

The Outsider said...

I'm in!

Testudownist said...

I've never needed anything more in my entire life ever.

-Andrew Meyerhoefer

Mark said...


Anonymous said...


Kirk Manley said...

AWESOME! Add me to the list. A world with out a Francavilla Batman fighting Water Fowl would be a world tragically lacking!! :-)


Unknown said...

Absolutely. There is nothing I want more in this moment than to see Batman fight a squadron of ducks, this is clearly the Batman story we've all been waiting for but weren't aware of.

Esteban Pedreros said...

Gotta have it!!

karkandos said...

yeah... we must have it!

Unknown said...

nice the best robin jajaja

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea!
-Martín Sierpe V.

Javorrock! said...

You have my support !

Glen said...

How could I not want to see Jason Fudd? You have my support!

-C. Glen Williams

Mych said...

Tienes mi apoyo!

Nekro said...

Hi there. Here's My signature. Lets do this thing!

Daniel said...

where can I buy it? :D

Bolívar, Daniel

Anonymous said...

One more for the win.

Doug Hahner said...

Don't be vewy vewy quiet. Get this made.

Skib said...

Do it. DO IT!

dythesh said...

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