~~ Click on the image for biggie ~~
Hello Friends,
I wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year! Hope it will be a helathy a good one for you all and your families :)
2011 looks like is gonna be another busy year for me (which is always a good thing, yes? ;)) so here's a little peek at what's coming in the first half of it. Hope you guys tune in all along and will enjoy most of it :)
Artwork © 2010 Francesco Francavilla
I will follow you all year, Kind Sir. It is rare to find someone who brings such magnificent life to stories.
I see the Gordon story and Black Panther. It looks like a Green Hornet cover, and is that the cover to the final issue of Lone Ranger? That is one of the reads I look forward to and am bummed it is ending, but a final issue with a cover by you would make the disappointment much less.
What is the story on the right (looks like soldiers)?
How does a guy go about getting his hands on Black Beetle?
Happy New Year. I look forward to all you are doing in 2011, and the world is indeed a better place for all of us when you are busy!
Oh, man. Francesco, are you drawing Dash Bad Horse's Bosnian adventures in a future issue of Scalped? Please say yes.
Hola Francesco:
Paso a presentarme, mi nombre es Francavilla Romina, soy de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Me gustan mucho tus comics, me recuerda mucho a mi abuelo que realizaba comics solo para la familia. Sera una cuestión de apellido? o un antepasado en común? jaja besotes
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