~ Above: The making of #874 cover - Click on the images for a closer look ~
Hello Friends,
this week has seen the release of Detective Comics #873 with part 3 (and conclusion) of the Black Mirror story, Scott Snyder's and Jock's first critically acclaimed arc on Detective. If you haven't picked up your copy yet, you better do it soon cause they are selling out (once again!)
With the book out, I have read about lots of people wondering what happened to the co-feature, "SKELETON CASES", I was illustrating. Part 3 was supposed to be in 873 but it wasn't, fans noted. Some wondered if the co-feature has been killed because of the new format and reduced price tag of $2.99.
To help to clear some of this confusion, I thought to dedicate this post to SKELETON CASES and what's coming up in Detective.

~ Above: An intense moment between Jim Gordon and his estranged son James Jr. ~
With the new format there was no room for the initially planned co-feature in 873. For that reason we all decided to move pt 3 of Skeleton Cases to #874. So, next issue (out in February), will see the conclusion of SKELETON CASES in the first half of the book, and the second half will have a little Batman tale - featuring guest star Red Robin - that is a bridge between the first and second Snyder-Jock arc.
The whole issue is written by Scott and entirely illustrated by me.

~ Above: Batman and special guest Red Robin study the adversary... ~
And in March we will have Detective #875, (see below) a full issue dedicated to a Jim Gordon story, a "hardcore cold case mystery" that has been haunting him since Jr was a little kid. And speaking of Jr., we will find out more about him in this issue.
This will be written by Scott and - again - illustrated entirely by me.
I read the script and it's a chilling story, so you guys don't want to miss it, trust me :)
Detective #876 in April will see the first part of a 3 issue arc with Jock and David Baron back to art duties: hints of this new arc are in the short story that will be in Detective 874 next month.
I (and Gordon and Jr.) will be back on the pages of Detective after this arc.
And that's it for now: hope you guys have a clearer idea of what's ahead and hope to see you on board for the whole run: Scott is a talented writer and it's making this a hell of a run: Jock, David, and I are all happy to be on board with this and you can tell :)
Hope you enjoy the making of the cover for 874 above and below are the solicits for #874 and #875.
Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone :)
Gordon faces James Jr. in the conclusion of the 3-part SKELETON CASES arc. Meanwhile Batman - and guest star Red Robin - gets a little taste of a new menace for Gotham City while still dealing with the after effects of the Black Mirror arc!
On sale FEBRUARY 23 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

~~ Click on the image for biggie ~~
“There are some cases that come screaming back at you…like phone calls in the night…”
For years, Jim Gordon has been haunted by the unsolved case of Gotham’s notorious
“Peter Pan Killer.” Now, armed with new evidence, Gordon is determined to put the case to rest.
But as he digs deeper, he’ll unearth a shocking discovery about his own past – a revelation that will shake him to the core. Skeletons will be exposed and secrets revealed in this special issue featuring art by Francesco Francavilla!
On sale March 30 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Artwork © 2011 Francesco Francavilla
This is just as great reading it again! Any time we get to read that you are bringing life to our heroes it is a good day. Thank you!
Very much looking forward to these, but for now, it is a Black Panther week! YES!
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