~~ Click on the above and below images for the preview ~~
Hello guys,
Black Panther TMWF #515 will be in stores tomorrow, along with the below second printing edition of the now sold out #513 (the first of this new run)! The first 2 issues (513 and 514) have been acclaimed by both fans and critics and ranked in the top 50 best selling books in December and January.
Click on the above image for a 8 pages preview plus cover and find out why IGN lists every month Black Panther in their absolute must-buys.
Hope you like what you see here and hope you pick up a copy tomorrow:)
Here's MARVEL solicts for it:
For the fate of Hell's Kitchen: T'Challa vs. Vlad the Impaler in a desperate rooftop battle of wills, wits and fists! "Urban Jungle" heats up as Luke Cage guest-stars, friends fall, dark forces prepare to step from the shadows, and a dangerous conspiracy begins to unfold!
Story by David Liss
Art by Francesco Francavilla
Letters by Joe Caramagna
Cover by Simone Bianchi & Simone Peruzzi
Price: $2.99
Artwork © 2011 Francesco Francavilla.
All Characters ™ and © 2010 Marvel Characters, Inc. All rights reserved.

Was hoping for this, thank you for taking the time to post! YES. Mister Francavilla, you give reason to visit the comic shop. The layout and sequences are wonderful, and matched by the illustrations themselves. Down with Vlad.
This is great stuff. Black Panther really has that Marvel Knights feel to it at the moment, and while I'd love for Storm to slip into a few more panels down the road I am eating this stuff up like few others on my pull list.
Can't wait.
Masterful work, I'm really digging this. You're taking Black Panther to a whole new level. Hell's Kitchen looks great and so does all your work.
Hey man, had no idea you were working on this. Congrats!
515 was horrible. A depowered incompetent Black panther getting his azz handed to him by a thug with a run of the mill power.
Interesting take. One of the things I enjoy about the Liss crafted story is the "street level" heroism. Given that BP doesn't isn't one of the infinite number of over-powerful, indestructible comic heroes, I did not see this as out of character but rather refreshing. I confess, though, I have not read BP for quite a while, so perhaps it is a switch away from a previous direction. The beauty of art--this is one of my favorite books on the shelves at this point--great characterization brought to life with one of the best visual story-tellers in the biz.
I'd have to agree with JC on this one. Black Panther is new to Hell's Kitchen, plus his panther power isn't there. filling Daredevil's shoes isn't what he trying to do. He's just filling in for Matt Murdock while they both try to find themselves.I've been a Daredevil and Black Panther fan for years and I'd have to say that this is a very interesting take. Plus Francavilla's art is outstanding
I just want to let you know that i really love your artwork, it inspires artist like me.
awesome work Francesco! :)
very nice artwork.. hope you can post more of your artwork so that i could follow you. thanks.
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